Selecting your first daycare or childcare centre is an intimidating and exciting prospect. No matter the specific qualities you’re seeking, it’s wise to begin researching early, as spaces are often very limited and waiting lists may be long. You’ll want to check on childcare centre ratings and learn about their financial health, quality of training, and customer satisfaction scores. Ask friends or relatives who have used childcare centres what they thought of their experience. Most people will be honest about their experiences and let you know if a childcare centre was a bad choice or not.
Be sure to find out how long the childcare centre has been in business and inquire about its certification. It’s also a good idea to ask about the staff and the qualifications of those responsible for your children during your first visit. You’ll want to talk with the daycare provider as well; ask what programs they offer, if any, and if your children will have access to art, music, sports, physical education, and so forth.
After making initial contact, schedule a walk-through and lunch with the Childcare Eastern Suburbs director and manager. It may be your chance to ask any questions that you have regarding their operation and policies. It’s important to be polite and professional while interacting with the facility’s staff, but it’s equally important to be vocal about your concerns. Let them know that you’re making an appointment to tour the centre, and you’ll be available after to answer any questions that they may have.
If at any time you feel uncomfortable with your chosen childcare centre, don’t be afraid to ask them to explain themselves to you. If they seem vague or unable to describe their services in detail, find another daycare provider. It may even be a good idea to call the local Department of Health to find out more information on childcare centres in your area. The state regulates childcare centres, and most are required to be licensed. While some may be exempt from this requirement, others are, and you want to make sure that your chosen childcare centre is on one of those lists.
Once you’ve scheduled a tour or two of childcare facilities, it’s a good idea to sit down with your children and discuss what you hope to gain from their experience. If you have specific goals in mind, write them down and share them with your childcare provider. For example, if you plan to enrol your children in after school sports programs or other after-school programs, talk with the facility’s director about what programs are offered and which classes your child will need to participate in. If you’re looking for a centre that will provide basic educational and social development activities for your kids, discuss this with the facility’s director as well. Many centres have activities, such as crafts, that parents can choose to participate in and which will be educational for them as well.
When you choose a daycare for your children, you’ll want to choose a centre that provides the most benefit for your money. Check into how much each daycare provider charges by looking at their financial statements. In most cases, a good daycare will not charge extra for things like snacks and beverages. Be sure to look at the cost of the services your children will need and ask what the total cost will be for each one. You’ll also want to look into whether or not they offer after-hours transportation to and from after school activities. The best Childcare Eastern Suburbs providers are honest and don’t hide these costs, so be sure to ask up front.